The Skeletal System

The Amazing Skeletal System

Table of Contents

What is the skeletal system?

Pages 3

Crazy cartilage

Pages 3

Lethal ligaments

Pages 4

Jammed Joints

Pages 4-5

Terrific tendons

Pages 5

Mandatory Marrow

Pages 6

Balancing Bones

Pages 6-7

The skeletal system

Pages 7

9 ways to keep your skeletal system healthy

Pages 7

What Is The Skeletal System?

Have you or your friend ever broken a bone? Well that has to do with the skeletal system! The skeletal system is an individual system, among many other systems, such as the muscular, endocrine, cardiovascular, pulmonary, and even  the immune system. The skeletal system is composed of bones, ligaments, joints, tendons and cartilage. The skeletal system also has other components like joints and bone marrow. There are also structures made of bones. Now it's time to learn about
the skeletal system!

Crazy Cartilage

Do you know what cartilage is? It is a connective tissue. Cartilage stops bones from rubbing against each other and knocking each other! Cartilage has a big job in the skeletal system. There are different types of cartilage. Hyaline cartilage is a strong rubbery tissue. It is found on the end of the ribs, in the larynx, trachea and the bronchi. Elastic cartilage is flexible and is found in the ear, larynx and epiglottis. Fibrocartilage is found in the knee and between the vertebrae. Fibrocartilage is also very tough and rigid. 

Lethal Ligaments

Ligaments are a band of tough elastic around your joints. They are found in all six joints. They connect bones giving your joints support. They also limit your leg bending so far. For example, without any ligaments, you would be able to have your foot touch your chest, and if you stretch or tear the ligaments, your joints will be very unstable. 

Jammed Joints

A joint is the area where the ligament, cartilage and the bones meet. A joint connects the bones together so that you can flex your muscles and move. There are six types of joints. They are condyloid, ball and socket, gliding plane, pivot, hinge and saddle. The condyloid joint is your wrist on your left arm. The plane joint is your ankle joint on your left foot. The ball and socket joint is your hip joint. The pivot joint is the neck joint and the hinge joint is your right elbow joint. The final joint is the saddle joint which is your joint on your right wrist. Now let's learn about tendons!

Terrific Tendons

If a ligament connects bones to bones then what does a tendon do? A tendon connects muscles to bones. That means tendons are also part of the muscular system. A tendon can be called a sinew. Did you know that a tendon can connect a muscle to a structure like an eyeball?

Mandatory Marrow

Bone marrow is a spongy thing inside your bones that helps your bone grow. Bone marrow is always found in the center of the bone. There are two types of marrow, red and yellow. Red marrow helps create red blood cells and yellow marrow stores extra fat.

Balancing Bones

Have you ever noticed that the word skeletal means skeleton? Well a skeleton is made up of bones and bones are the most important and interesting part of the skeletal system. In your body there are different types of structures made of bones. The structures are the skull, the spine, and the ribs. The skull protects your brain, while your spinal cord protects your nerves and helps you stand and bend. Your ribs protect your organs such as the heart and lungs. 

The skull is a structure that protects your brain. The skull will stay for you your whole life and will always remain with 29 bones. The only part of the skull that protects your brain is the top of the skull. Did you know that the skull is made up of 14 bones that support your face? Another interesting fact is that the only part of the skull that can move is your lower jawbone.

Your spinal cord is a structure of bones down your back. Your spinal cord is made of 33 bones called vertebrae. Your spinal cord protects your nerves, helps you stand straight and lets you bend. Your nerves are important things in your body that connect to the spinal cord. Then your nerves travel through the spinal cord and up into your brain. Did you know that there is a bone at the bottom of your spinal cord? It is called the tailbone, you can feel it.

The last and the biggest structure is your ribs. They protect your organs. A deadly fact is that once you lose or break a bone in the ribs you might die. There are 24 bones in your ribs. You can feel them, 12 on every side.

The Skeletal System

The skeletal system is the most important system in the whole entire body. In fact, without your skeletal system, you could not move, and your organs would collapse! Everything in the skeletal system is important so if you don't take care of it, you would be reshaped as a pile of jelly!

9 Ways to keep your skeletal system healthy

  • Drink lots of liquid that provides calcium

  • Exercise

  • Eat vitamins, mostly vitamin D

  • Stretch your bones

  • Walk in the sun

  • Eat cheese

  • Eat dairy products

  • Eat leafy vegetables

  • Sardines, and nuts are good for your bones


  1. Really helped for reaserch

  2. I will do my best to keep healthy! Very informative!

  3. Awesome information! I love your creativity with the section titles :)
    I’m going to try to get more sun and vitamin D for sure!


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